Monday, February 11, 2013

Lent: Growing closer to God!

Here in the Episcopal church we are getting ready for the season of Lent. Today in my class we did a little preparation so the children are prepared for Ash Wednesday. During Lent, we do things to help us to know God better and the life of God's son, Jesus. Sometimes we spend extra time in prayer or in reading the Bible. Some people make the choice to give up something like television or chocolate. Years ago, people did not eat rich foods such as butter, eggs, or sugar during the Lent season. This brought about the tradition of Shrove Tuesday or Fat Tuesday as some call it, to eat all those things you wouldn't allow yourself to eat during this season.

The children and I also talked about the story of Jesus in the Wilderness from Matthew 4:1-11. See if your child remembers the 3 temptations of Christ.

All the children are coming home with a little pipe cleaner pretzel. If you would like to see the story and tradition they learned about, you can retell the story below to your child or have them tell it to you.

Angelo and the Pretzel

A long time ago, there was a monk in Italy named Angelo. Angelo worked in the monastery kitchen baking bread.

One morning, Angelo began to bake the day's bread. Since it was Lent, he didn't put any butter, eggs or sugar into the dough.

While the bread was in the oven, Angelo sat down to think and pray. The children in his parish didn't seem to be learning their prayers. He wished he could come up with a clever way to help them remember. As Angelo thought, he rolled a leftover piece of dough between his fingers.

In his day, the children were taught to fold their arms across their chest when they prayed. Angelo kept on thinking as he rolled that piece of leftover dough.

Suddenly, he had an idea! Angelo twisted the rolled piece of dough into the shape of praying arms.

He put the dough on a pan and baked it. Angelo got busy cleaning the kitchen and let the dough bake too long. But when he tasted it, he decided it was delicious.

"I will call this treat a 'pretiola' (preh-zi-o-la) which means 'little reward,'" he said. "My treat will be a reward for the children who learn their prayers."

That afternoon, Angelo baked an entire batch of pretiolas. When the children came to the bakery to visit him, he gave the pretiolas to those who knew their prayers.

Before long, all the children began to remember their prayers, and they ate batch after batch of pretiolas.

And that's the story of a monk named Angelo and the very first pretzel.

Jr. K News - Feb, 11

Hello Parents,

This will be a very busy week. With Mardi Gras, Ash Wednesday, Valentine Parties and the Gala. Next Monday is Parent/Teacher Conferences. There will be a sign up sheet for both the Party and Conferences by the end of the day today.

Thank you all for the Thoughtful prayers and support you have given me over the last week with the death of my mother. It will be a hard road to travel since we were very close but God has a plan and I know he is with me always. She is with her family and friends who have gone before her and they are having a great time worshiping our Great Lord and Savior.

Mrs. Keever

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Jr. K News - Jan.9, 2013

Welcome Back to School!!!

I hope everyone had a great Christmas Break and made many memories.  This will be a review week in Language so please keep practicing those sight words.  I am working on the rest of them (for the year) and will hopefully have those sent home in the next couple of weeks. 

The students are getting back in the swing of things and we have a lot of things that we will be discussing over the next few weeks.  Winter weather, Martin Luther King, Jr., St. Valentine, President's Day and don't forget we will be celebrating Doughnuts for Day on the 25th of January.

Mrs. Keever

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Jr. K News REMINDER - Dec. 20

I just wanted to remind everyone that tomorrow is our last day before Christmas Break and our class party. If you haven't already sent a book for the book exchange please send that first thing in the morning, also $2 to help cover the cost of the pizza. School will let out at 11:45 however for those students who normally stay extended care will be available until 6:00.

I want to take this time to thank all the parents for all you do to encourage your children. We have had a great year so for and I can not believe that we are half way through. I am looking forward to the second semester. We have a lot of things planned and I know that everyone will have a great time.  Have a safe holiday and we will see you all next year (2013).

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Jr. K. News - Dec. 17

The students had a great time on Friday as they participated in Santa's Workshop.  They made several different crafts and drank hot chocolate with their cookies at snack time.

This week we will be focusing on the real reason that we celebrate Christmas and that is the birth of Jesus.  On Wednesday we will have a birthday party for Jesus and sing Happy Birthday to him.  They children will enjoy a piece of cake and juice after our weekly chapel. 

Each class will also have a Christmas Party on Friday at 11:00.  Our class will exchange books before they eat pizza and decorate cookies.  Please sign up to bring some of the supplies needed.  We are also asking that you donate $2 to help cover the cost of the pizza.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Jr. K. News - Dec. 10

Run, run as fast as you can, you can't catch me I'm the Gingerbread Man!

We had a surprise visit from the Gingerbread Man himself today.  He dropped a few clues for us to follow and we searched for him all over the school.  Mrs. Langford's class came along to help us look for him and when we finally did (back in our classroom) he invited us to sit down for a little taste.  The students really enjoyed their gingerbread treat.

Don't forget that the Christmas Programs are Tuesday night at 5:30.  Students need to meet in the Choir room at 5:15 in full costume.

We will also have our bi-monthly safety class on Wednesday as Ms. Kitty Jones comes to our class to present a new lesson.  We always look forward to her visits.

Friday CCS will be hosting Santa's Workshop.  Each class will be guided from one room to another by some wonderful volunteer parents.  The teachers will remain in their own rooms and supervise the activities while the students create several projects.

Only two weeks until Christmas Break!!!!!   Ugh!!!!!

Mrs. Keever

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Jr. K News - Dec. 3

Hello to All,

I can't believe that it is December already!  We will finish reading a variety of Gingerbread books this week as well as discuss differences and similarities about them. 

Sight words for this week are with and my.  Please keep reviewing all of the previous sight words.  I will work on getting the rest sight words put together and send them home after the new year.

The students are learning new words all the time and are beginning to sound out words so encourage them to read and also read to them.

More later.

Mrs. Keever